Martha Stewart or someone like her, had a way to cook a whole meal on the engine of your car.
Service Supper for 4/door car $19.95
advertisements and direct sales .
this is the answer to all the financial woes of the wt.
wanting more and more money from the rank and file, in these economic bad times, is like beating a dead horse.
Martha Stewart or someone like her, had a way to cook a whole meal on the engine of your car.
Service Supper for 4/door car $19.95
this will be our second christmas since leaving the wts but we will be away in nz with besty's extended family so probably won't bother much with trees and decorations but the santa issue is playing on my mind, especially now podlet no.
1 is at preschool.. do we bring the children up to believe in santa & co with all the magic, mystery and excitement associated with the fairytale or do we tell him right away what the deal is - either route is going to feel very strange.
my gut feeling is to go along with the myth and give them those happy memories of wonder and anticipation - what do you all think?.
For the last 3 years that my daughter believed in my "Santa is real", lie, she tried to catch me. It was great fun, going to special great lengths to create and keep up the Santa lie, with an almost teenager. I planned some really elaborate deceptions!! She knew, and enjoyed it even more than I did. Losing, and the thrill of trying to corner me next time.
She finally caught me. She found her karaoke machine at my mother in laws house, and marked a small area with a pink highlighter. Santa brought her the same machine, with the same mark. I knew the gig was up.
Kids realize that it was just a game. No psychological damage occurs.
advertisements and direct sales .
this is the answer to all the financial woes of the wt.
wanting more and more money from the rank and file, in these economic bad times, is like beating a dead horse.
Advertisements and Direct Sales
This is the answer to all the financial woes of the WT. Wanting more and more money from the rank and file, in these economic bad times, is like beating a dead horse. Poor unemployed and undereducated Witnesses can't cough up any more.
If I were a overweight single JW female, I would pay quite a pretty penny for a singles ad. Especially in the Members Only copy of the WT. $500.00?? for a 1"x1".
How about an energy drink?
Get the energy to knock on extra doors!!! JEHOVAH JUICE!!! 6 for $10.00 plus s&h.
Don't go to the donut shop!! Spend more time in service.
Donuts to Go, single serving packages. Everlasting Donuts and Paradise Pastries $2.00
Lotion for those service related wind chapped cheeks and hands.
Living Long Lotion $2.99
They could designate an area to be a little store in the book room. Items for sale directly from the WT, could be included in the WT shipping boxes. Outside companies would just pay to advertise, and knowing the greedy guys in New York, I am sure they would negotiate a kick-back also. Since these items would all be blessed by the governing body, I would think that no sales taxes would be levied.
Any more ideas?
who was it, that needed a video rewinder?
i just found this website.
Who was it, that needed a video rewinder? I just found this website. Looks like they have some good buys.
I like, and Domestications
Where do you like to shop online?
wow, .
i heard yesterday that 50 (yes 50) young people have been disfellowshipped within the past month in my .
old circuit.
jws ^^^ That is a very interesting question.
I wonder if they have done any studies.
on the thread about the pdf for the 2003 listening to the great teacher book, i posted about the arguement my hubby and i had over this book when it first came out.
i threw out the 2 copies my kids had and then regretted it because i think this book is very telling about the wt organization and the issue of pedophiles and child molestation.
i wanted to address what happened here too for discussion.. i am not good at copying over texts so perhaps someone else can post here pages 59-60 in this book where sexual content is explained in vivid detail using the terms penis and vulva.
Maybe Jehovah being able to undo things, is why they don't tell. If they just wait on Jehovah, it will undo.
If they tell, Jehovah won't undo it.
Makes perfect sense!!
on the thread about the pdf for the 2003 listening to the great teacher book, i posted about the arguement my hubby and i had over this book when it first came out.
i threw out the 2 copies my kids had and then regretted it because i think this book is very telling about the wt organization and the issue of pedophiles and child molestation.
i wanted to address what happened here too for discussion.. i am not good at copying over texts so perhaps someone else can post here pages 59-60 in this book where sexual content is explained in vivid detail using the terms penis and vulva.
First paragraph of the scan (1 Peter 5:8 ) "But Jehovah is stronger than Satan. Jehovah can protect his children or undo anything bad that Satan does to them."
Just these 2 sentences jumped out at me. First, can Jehovah "undo bad things"?? Give a child back their virginity? Make them forget? Turn back time?
"Jehovah can protect his children." ?? Can he? Bad things happen to kids everyday. This makes a child think they are protected. HELLO!! But in a later paragraph, it tells children to take care of themselves and also to be careful.
In the third paragraph, It tries to blame the victims of abuse, by saying the victim will continue this behavior, that they learned. As if every child who has been abused, is now an abuser. SICK and pisses me off!
wow, .
i heard yesterday that 50 (yes 50) young people have been disfellowshipped within the past month in my .
old circuit.
With drinking being the only "allowed" thing of adult JW's, the kids didn't have too far to go to get the booze! A bottle brought from each house, spells PARTY!!
i don't know if this has been posted yet, but i just read this.
edited for link... sask.
church failed to report sexual abuse: victims .
How do the victims, always end up the bad guys??? Dad has coffee with him still???
so i have been having problems with the renters that moved in next door.
the last 3 months have been a living hell.
i have an ongoing complaint with the slumlord that owns the property and the city is taking him to court for derelict vehicles next week (which i anonymously complained about, but i am sure i am being blamed for).
Put some Watchtowers and Awakes and a Bible on your property, by his driveway. See if it calms down.